Dear parents and pupils,
I am delighted to welcome you to Maranatha Primary school website.
Our core value is to provide an educational excellence, in that every pupil makes a positive difference during the time with us. In expecting excellence we ensure that children enjoy school in a happy, safe and secure atmosphere designed to fulfill their potential.
At Maranatha we motivate and empower pupils to be lifelong learners, critical thinkers and productive members of an ever-changing global society. We also strive to transform our community through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our pupil centered school fosters active lifelong learning and promotes healthy pupil development academically, socially, emotionally, spiritually and physically in short – an all-inclusive education.
One of the many things that make Maranatha Primary school such a positive place to be is that we have a strong belief that we are all learners together. The children, teachers and parents are all part of our “learning community” and we strive to work and learn together. Our teachers provide an atmosphere for discovery where students are encouraged to be creative and curious. For this we are constantly improving our teaching methodology so that it turns learning into a combination of classroom learning and researching.
It is my ardent desire that our school forever be the place where staff members, parents and even other stake holders synergize their resources and creativity to enrich the learning environment in which our children can holistically and fully develop their physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual capabilities.
Looking forward to receive your child into our care.
Best regard
Namsik Oh Director
Our teams
Natumanya Jonan
Head teacher
Ahaisibwe Monic
School Bursar
Teachers Nursery Section
3 years to 5 years
Teachers Primary Section
(on the right Deputy Head Teacher)
P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7
The support staff
cooks, cleaners, gardener, matrons...
Gate man
Counter Terrorism Police